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The Crocodile Bird, by Ruth Rendell

29 kr (3 €)
The Crocodile Bird, by Ruth Rendell. Kingsmarkham Enterprice 1993. 298 pages.CN 1252.
Eve and Liza, Mother and Daughter, live a quiet life in their remote home a rustic gatehouse of a country mansion. At first glance their lives appear quite ordinary, except that Liza has almost no knowledge of the outside world, has never played with a child her own age and has witnessed her mother commit murder, on multiple occasions. Now, as the police come searching for a missing man, they must vacate their secluded home, shattering Liza´s sheltered world. With 100 pounds and her secret lover, Liza gradually learns about the world, her mother´s tale of betrayal, desire and obsession and just how like mother, like daughter she really is.
Annonsör: --- Plats: --- ---  
kategori: Böcker & Litteratur Typ: Säljes
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